Saturday, 24 April 2010

Honduran campesinos under the gun Pt1

The Real News -
A tentative and controversial resolution has been reached in a long-standing land conflict in Honduras. The controversy lies in the mobilization of the military, in the form of at least 2,000 soldiers, to pressure the campesinos into signing the latest negotiated deal. The group of 3,500 campesino families has agreed to accept a total of 11,000 hectares from the Lobo government. The previously landless workers continue to occupy a series of African palm plantations in the fertile Northern Honduran valley of Aguán, until their access to the land is assured.

Produced by Jesse Freeston.


Rosemary Joyce is an anthropologist and archaeologist at the University of California, Berkeley. She has been worked regularly in Honduras ever since 1977. She blogs regularly at her 'Honduran Culture and Politics'.
Her blog can be found at: